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Check the correct VAT number

Entrepreneurs in the Netherlands nowadays always receive two numbers concerning VAT from the tax authorities: a sales tax number and a VAT identification number (VAT ID). Make sure that you always use the correct number when contacting and checking your customers, because in practice this regularly turns out to go wrong.


Sales tax number

You use the sales tax number only for your contacts with the tax authorities, such as for your returns. For sole proprietorships, this number partly consists of the entrepreneur‘s BSN number. Partly for privacy reasons, you do not use this number to your customers.

VAT identification number

The VAT identification number is used when dealing with customers. You should also find this number on your customer‘s invoices and on their website. You can check this number via this site.

Your own VAT ID

If you want to check a number, you must also enter your own VAT ID. If you have lost this number, you can find it out via the Tax and Customs Administration website. To do so, go to myzakelijk.belastingdienst.nl, log in with DigiD and click on ‘turnover tax‘ and click on ‘VAT identification number‘. Here you will find both VAT numbers.

Attention! To apply the zero rate to a so-called intra-Community supply (ICL) to a VAT entrepreneur in another EU country, there are a number of obligations you must comply with. One of these is the use of the correct VAT identification number. It is therefore important to always check carefully whether you have your customer‘s correct number.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

  Entrepreneurs in the Netherlands nowadays always receive two numbers concerning VAT from the tax authorities: a sales tax number and a VAT identification number (VAT ID). Make sure that you always use the correct number when contacting and checking your customers, because in practice this regularly turns out to go wrong.

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